Alll The Latest News

Moderator: Jessie Black

Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby Jerokane » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:38 pm

I concur. We are only a few days short of being half way through 2015 and still nothing. Giving us a few measly screenshots is insulting to say the least. How about a game video instead? There ought to be several knocking around your office by now for internal use. If not then it must mean you are still in the planning stage and have hardly started on code yet.
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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby Jessie Black » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:40 pm

Dear all,

Developers have been refining levels Train and Town. They have created some clean and neat animations such as animated billboards promoting particular products such as Space Travels, Space Drinks and so on.

They have been improving a cargo ship level transporting armored vehicles and explosives. Should be fun when it goes off.
We have beenworking on promotional stuff trying to get potentional customers for UFO2.

Thank you for your support and we appreciate you spread a word about us at forums and social networks.

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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby raziel_malakai » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:54 pm

Dear Jessie Black,

With all due respect, as far as asking your community/fan base for any help at this point - that ship has sailed a long time ago. How can you possibly expect to be aided by your community after practically leaving us in the dark for the better part of 3+ years? In the post-kickstarter era your company and you as their spoke's person have literally thrown every rule of sensible practice and respect with your own community that I can think of. And now you ask for their assistance?
I can't begin to describe how insulting those 6-8 delays in your supposed "release date" were for me and to the best of my knowledge to many other people who were here and are not anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I probably will buy your product at one point or another, but you can't possibly expect anyone to help you out with spreading any word of you. There is a price to pay for how you treated your fans, and this in a major way is exactly how you pay it (not to mention those that decided on principal not to buy your game because of the very reasons I just mentioned).

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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby sergioreynel » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:26 pm

Jessie Black wrote:Dear all,

Developers have been refining levels Train and Town. They have created some clean and neat animations such as animated billboards promoting particular products such as Space Travels, Space Drinks and so on.

They have been improving a cargo ship level transporting armored vehicles and explosives. Should be fun when it goes off.
We have beenworking on promotional stuff trying to get potentional customers for UFO2.

Thank you for your support and we appreciate you spread a word about us at forums and social networks.


I will definitely spread the word I didn't superly mind the set backs its not like I paid for the game yet anyways xD
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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby Jerokane » Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:54 am

Jessie Black wrote:Dear all,

We have beenworking on promotional stuff trying to get potentional customers for UFO2.

Thank you for your support and we appreciate you spread a word about us at forums and social networks.


According to the UFO2 team, this game will be finished sometime within the next 4 days. It says so clearly on their homepage. So should we do as Jessie asks and start telling all our friends that the game will be launching sometime in the next 4 days? I think not Jessie.

Or perhaps we should just tell them the truth. There might be a game called Battle For Mercury coming out eventually but nobody has any idea when. As to whether it is any good, nobody knows that either because the creators are not giving out any information. Is this what you wish us to tell everyone Jessie?
Last edited by Jerokane on Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby valadrion » Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:36 am

Jessie Black wrote:Dear all,

They have been improving a cargo ship level transporting armored vehicles and explosives. Should be fun when it goes off.
We have beenworking on promotional stuff trying to get potentional customers for UFO2.

Thank you for your support and we appreciate you spread a word about us at forums and social networks.


"...when it goes off."

I think that is one question everyone following the project in last years have in mind.

"...spread a word about us at forums and social networks."

What exactly?
"Hi guys, check out this awesome project!
ET was quite nice and I have dumped a lot of hours in it.
Nobody knows what the overall development process is actually.
There also are not more like a bunch of "Screenshots" and, since some days, two 15 Second animation examples of a absolute minimal part of the game (it should be....eventually...maybe, don't know).
But Screw it, just check out this side and let us celebrate the countdown to the moment the next delayed release date will be announced, yeah!"

Seriously. Could you not even explain WHY you are holding back more information about details or the overall development process?
As raziel_malakai already mentioned above:
What do you expect to be the result of this communication strategy?

If you would at least say:
Hey people, we actually don't know when the game will be finished (or alpha/beta ready) and therefor set the Release date to "it's done when it's done"We will point out any updates and send notifications when there are any news but you don't need to come here again until that happens."

Just be honest with YOUR community, and it will pay back.

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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby Jerokane » Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:30 am

Just today, tomorrow and the day after, that's all that's left of the second quarter of 2015 when they still say it will be ready. Do you think they've even noticed? Do you think they even care? May they be savagely ripped apart by terrabytes and their bug-riddled carcasses dumped unceremoniously from core storage.
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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby Jessie Black » Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:58 pm

Dear all,

sorry if I was misunderstood. There were some comments about the project throughout the internet and the devs wanted to thank for this mentioning.
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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby JeyP » Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:39 pm

Would be a lot more but we don't have any information to write and talk about. We live in communication and social media era too bad that the dev don't understand that the good communication with fans and people interested in project should be a major point especially for small dev team to have a free advertisement. How long has passed after first release date ? 3 years ? and how many times the date was postponed. I would probably forgot about this game already but due to the fact that still play OXC and U:ET it's not so easy.
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Re: Alll The Latest News

Postby Sheelin » Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:26 am

So then, this time they postponed the release date BEFORE its expiration. That's an improvement already.
Fall 2015. It's 6 months they are refining. Ok, they are soooo busy... maybe they could have the mod here allowed to post news, screenshots and infos about the game? Just for, you know, not pissing off the community further.

Some of us will buy the game anyway. I love the genre and have most of them. Even those opensource projects that took much less to be developed. But do you have any idea on how many won't bother about this game anymore? Even big companies that did this same mistake in the past lost most of their fan base for the games they delayed by years, and you are a small one. Feed your fans, give them something to talk about, different from "Hey, did you heard about UFO2ET?" "No, they said something at last?" "Yes, they just postponed the release again". "Oh, nothing new then!".

It's not just the fact you are delaying the release date since years, leaving the community to starve and tire and bore with almost no news for years, also. But the fact you didn't even bother to update the release date with something at least near to a reasonably pondered time of release.
You would have lost less people if during 2012 you would have said "Release date: sometime during 201?", giving them some screen and info every now and then.

Again, Fall 2015? What next, 1st quarter 2016?

Jessie Black, I suggest you to start putting costant news in the website, just writing short articles about the progresses, or even short sentences, saying things like:
"Alien ships refined"
"Craft combat animation refined"
"Research tree debugged"
and so on, one every couple of days... at least we would see something is moving.
Last edited by Sheelin on Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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