by DocMoriarty » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:43 am
What i liked about UFO:ET was how close it was to the original games yet fixing most of the annoyances the original had (such as manually collecting stuff after battle, equipping soldiers etc.). It is a genious game. But one feature i really liked about the old games was "overfixed" (removed). And that was the necessity for real base management of the other bases. In UFO:ET you only have soldiers and production/ research facilities in the primary base, in the original game there was no difference between bases. So my dream would be to have the base management for all bases again in the game. Also missing a bit serious attacks on bases such as main base. They are also omitted. And of course storage space management. In the original game i had storage facilities in all bases and due to the limited space often had to transfer stuff from main base to one of the other bases and back when i needed it for production. I agree, that was a lot more work than in UFO:ET, yet that was part of the fun too.