Better late than incomplete

Moderator: Jessie Black

Better late than incomplete

Postby Emre » Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:59 am

Hi, i'm really excited about this game as soon as i heard about it. I'm a total sucker when it comes to Xcom-like games. I will buy this game whether it's good or unstatsisfying and hope it'll be the latter. I had some disappointments with Xenonauts, they rushed to release it and we got a dull, repetitive game. So take your time and give xcom fans a satisfying that can replace the original xcom. Best regards.
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Re: Better late than incomplete

Postby Muromets » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:12 am

Emre wrote:I had some disappointments with Xenonauts, they rushed to release it and we got a dull, repetitive game.

As saying goes "Your Mileage May Vary".
Xenonauts is an excelent game. Hopefully, will have a great future - both in mods and sequel-possibility - especially, if the developer will continue to polish it.
Developers did take their time to make it, so i , personally, see no tragedy with UFO2ET Battle for Mercury delays.
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Re: Better late than incomplete

Postby Emre » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:43 am

Muromets wrote:Xenonauts is an excellent game.

Is it fine in the spirit of Xcom? Yes. Excellent? Definitely no. Openxcom is 10 times better than Xenonauts and mods for the openxcom... Now that's excellent.
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Re: Better late than incomplete

Postby DocMoriarty » Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:04 pm

I followed the development of Xenonauts through all the years and what i read and saw/see didn't make me buy the game. It has even shortcommings compared to the 1995 published original UFO Devense, bugs that they *try* to fix, missing ufopaedia entries and the like. No thank you. Playing OpenXcom which is really great atm.
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Re: Better late than incomplete

Postby horrid » Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:17 pm

Xenonauts is like X Com but any reference to it being, "in spirit" to anything is a misnomer. What a disappointment. I followed the development from Desura to Steam and could only describe it as a souless, monochromatic bore. Somewhere along the line the game devolved into a love letter to the micromanagement and spreadsheets of XCOM and lost touch with the importance of conveying the desperation of humanity's best and last hope for survival.

I couldn't care less for my squaddies and never appreciated the menace of the dopey looking aliens. If enjoyed moving units across a board simply for the pleasure of moving them across a board I would have enjoyed Xenonauts but probably wouldn't have considered it a worthy alternative to chess.

I hate on Xenonauts as badly as I do because I was really taken with the cold war setting that seem so richly imagined in the game's early development. The fan fic novella was terrible but the period choice and possibilities suggested gave the game what appeared to be a distinctive identity among xcom-esques. What followed was a cardboard interpretation that offered little more than a technological baseline for squad equipment that wasn't fleshed out beyond NATO (really only US) kit. What a disappointment and no it isn't the job of the commuinity to create mods that complete a devs game for them.

I'm eagerly awaiting Battle for Mercury because it's predecessor was an enjoyable strategy game that didn't lose touch with it's theme.
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Re: Better late than incomplete

Postby horrid » Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:45 pm

There hasn't been a great deal of activity on the forums over the course of the last month so I thought I'd drop by again and see if the dev team was having any luck moving forward. As I stated before I am really looking forward to playing this game and am rooting for you.

I was wondering if you considered using Steam either greenlight or early access?
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Re: Better late than incomplete

Postby Battlemaster » Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:33 pm

please translate.

Игра UFO_ET лучшая из лутьших
и это говорит игрок олд скул с 30 ти летним стажем
и не важно когда выйдет главное что делают
для людей

респект комманде разработчиков игры

ps бухай! я все сказал
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Re: Better late than incomplete

Postby UfoYo » Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:19 am

Fanboy thread.
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