release date

Moderator: Jessie Black

Re: release date

Postby Csatrad » Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:13 pm

Jessie Black wrote:Dear players,

the release date will be unfortunately delayed. The reasons are that the developers are still working on refining of all levels. They are extending the level Moon base and creating new gaming features and working on debugging of the game.

Please see the refinning in progress.
-Refinning in progress1
-Refinning in progress2

Thank you of your understanding and patience.

I really like the faces expresion on the middle there :D
About refinement It does look better and is more "deep" but the overal feel is soo samy. If these things are sorrounded by wastly different colors, like white snow or green grass than its perfect, but if the whole map looks like this, it could cause bad eye-strain as it's hard to focus on everything since everything has the same gamma/hue levels.

For example in the first game the pitch black unseens parts and the brown somewhat lit cave wall was a huge contrast and the grey industrial machinery too. While on this picture everything has the same color and density. Earlier I said it would be nice to have total dark patches of areas on the map, like corners or behind objects beacuse of shadow to put the lit and places that have a light source, but here I cant really see a light source, but it tries to look different anyways, and since there is no light source there is no focus your eyes just jump everywhere and strain it.

Also 0 wall thicnkess is a strange thing hope it wont stay. Btw you can go all out on super bright colors since it supposed to be alien, something out of this world you create could bring the alien feel. There is a monster thing on the corner with red eyes and a bright underline thats fine, and the spire is more lit then the sorrounding those are good attempts, but what im saying that you could go really out on some of those aspects like darting red that pierce your eye when you look on it or almost disturbing brightness or questioning darkness on some parts of a single object could really give back the feeling.

About game launch. Doesnt matter when it launches really. Just make sure its complete, you cannot compete in uncompleted game beacuse there is soo many :D
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Re: release date

Postby Helderhugo » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:36 pm

Horial wrote:As an old fan of the series, I can hardly wait to play UFO2ET Battle for Mercury. When it will be ready ?


ME TOO! :o
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Re: release date

Postby Jessie Black » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:54 pm

Dear all,

we are sorry to announce the release date was delayed. The developers have been hammering away at levels refining, testing, bug fixing and implementing some new features. Please, stay tuned. Thank you for your patience.
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Jessie Black
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Re: release date

Postby sergioreynel » Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:22 pm

Jessie Black wrote:Dear all,

we are sorry to announce the release date was delayed. The developers have been hammering away at levels refining, testing, bug fixing and implementing some new features. Please, stay tuned. Thank you for your patience.

The game looks amazing so far so I can wait xD
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Re: release date

Postby abc.d » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:05 pm

Jessie Black wrote:Dear all,

we are sorry to announce the release date was delayed. The developers have been hammering away at levels refining, testing, bug fixing and implementing some new features. Please, stay tuned. Thank you for your patience.

Haha, for the 60th time. :D Vapourware detected.
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Re: release date

Postby Csatrad » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:28 pm

Just an idea that should be considered.

Belive it or not another xcome game will be avaiable soo. Devs could try launch an early acces the same time so those who have no money for that AAA game could drop less for a similar experience. You know to ride theire advertisements of alien tactical shooting game.

I think its common business i remember xenonauts was on discount aswell on the announcement of xcom2 release date?
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Re: release date

Postby Sheelin » Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:12 am

This game was already giving delay on release date when Xenonauts was in beta and XCom: Enemy Unknown was just an idea. Xenonauts released, XCom released. Then XCom released the DLC Enemy Within. After a few years, Xenonauts is now an accomplished product, on Steam, and XCom2 is announced to be released on February the 5th 2016. And this game should be out in a month or so, they said on last delay (fall 2015, while we are approaching to winter)... But I don't think I'll be mistaking if I say that it will be (again) delayed to Q1 2016/spring 2016 or even further...

I said countless times I love the genre, and the serie, thus I'll be one of those (few?) who will get the game anyway, but believe me, dealying it so much you already lost a big share of your potential customers who are so pissed off won't be buying the game just because they felt made fun of. Delaying it further is just going to thin more the number of remaining customers...
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Re: release date

Postby Shalom7 » Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:00 pm

Sheelin wrote:This game was already giving delay on release date when Xenonauts was in beta and XCom: Enemy Unknown was just an idea. Xenonauts released, XCom released. Then XCom released the DLC Enemy Within. After a few years, Xenonauts is now an accomplished product, on Steam, and XCom2 is announced to be released on February the 5th 2016. And this game should be out in a month or so, they said on last delay (fall 2015, while we are approaching to winter)... But I don't think I'll be mistaking if I say that it will be (again) delayed to Q1 2016/spring 2016 or even further....

You know. I think the problem is that the developers of this game as few. I don't know how many people are working on the game, but I suspect it is less than a half dozen. XCom and Xenonauts (particularly XCOM) had a large company. XCOM probably had hundreds of people working on the game in some capacity at one time or another. It is disappointing and I think UFO2 will suffer because of it, but I will be glad if it gets released. I still think they will be benefit by or some other online distributor for smaller companies, because XCOM2 will obviously take a lot of their big business away.
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Re: release date

Postby Sheelin » Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:24 pm

Shalom7 wrote:
Sheelin wrote:This game was already giving delay on release date when Xenonauts was in beta and XCom: Enemy Unknown was just an idea. Xenonauts released, XCom released. Then XCom released the DLC Enemy Within. After a few years, Xenonauts is now an accomplished product, on Steam, and XCom2 is announced to be released on February the 5th 2016. And this game should be out in a month or so, they said on last delay (fall 2015, while we are approaching to winter)... But I don't think I'll be mistaking if I say that it will be (again) delayed to Q1 2016/spring 2016 or even further....

You know. I think the problem is that the developers of this game as few. I don't know how many people are working on the game, but I suspect it is less than a half dozen. XCom and Xenonauts (particularly XCOM) had a large company. XCOM probably had hundreds of people working on the game in some capacity at one time or another. It is disappointing and I think UFO2 will suffer because of it, but I will be glad if it gets released. I still think they will be benefit by or some other online distributor for smaller companies, because XCOM2 will obviously take a lot of their big business away.

They are few as far as I know. I think 6 at best. I do not have any problem with that. If you read further my statement, I'll be one of those still buuing the game. But I myslef know at least three people who won't buy it anymore, just because they are pissed off. In 2013 they should have said "Release date: To be decided". Then release weekly (or at least monthly) feedback. And then, in 2016, or 17 or even 18, say: "Release Date: day, month, year; Price: amount; Platform: steam, dvd, etc..." And release it in that date.
Instead, I think they broke the record in delays, being them probably more than twenty.
And the website, "Fall 2015", is appearing as a joke, since it is almost obvious that the game won't be out by the 21st of December. We'll see...
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Re: release date

Postby Jessie Black » Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:33 pm

Dear all,

If the game had been released before refining the level of pleasure would be more or less lower in comparison to pleasure the player will get after refining. The developers wish the game was on a professional level. What the developers need is time. They just wont release a stub. The developers apologize for delays but they want the game to be perfect when it is released.
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