UfoYo wrote:Hands up those of you who didn't see this coming?
And I got corrected when I said the Q4 of this year
DDDD, now whos got to be corrected bitches
I checked this deadrock and it is so crap to even look at overal that I had to come back here and stare at the screenshots just to appologize to my eyes! I mean common, they mention space, pirates and zombies in the same fucking page! Ring a bell guys? No? Really? How about a game that is named after these very words...
Just delay it doesnt matter as long as there is as much bugs in the game as in the first one, wich is a ground amount of ZERO! Immersion is the best in this game and so far they nailed it, except the stupid helis and the babyblue earthview with todler safe corner rads around the buttons so your mousepointer don't hurt themselfs hovering all over the place... but hey those pictures are released before the refining started.
And yes I did watch a butload of zero punctuation before posting this, thank you very much.